Episode 26 - Klyn Elsbury

In this episode, Klyn Elsbury talks about her lifelong battle with cystic fibrosis. She explains the hardships of being the outcast in school due to her absence in the classroom which, was a direct cause of continuous hospitalizations.

However, the undying support and love her family gave her inspired her to be as active as possible in order for her illness not to paralyze her lungs. Unfortunately, her warrior spirit came to a halt when she turned 19, after she dropped out of college she began to support herself, and then lost it all as a cause of bad habits. Left with no other option Klyn moved out to San Diego to face numerous years of hardship, poverty, and worst of all, being classified as legally disabled.

That is until a miracle happened, that changed the trajectory of her life for the better. Her lifelong journey of seeking a cure to her illness is genuinely inspirational and outright uncommon. She is now the author of a book called, “I am the untold story of success” which dives deep into her journey with cystic fibrosis and how she overcame complications that made life extremely difficult to navigate.

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Episode 27 -Lee Ann Yarbor


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