Episode 43 - Ritchie Hale

Get ready for a deep dive into the world of business as we welcome the brilliant Ritchie Hale to Real Deal Talk. Ritchie shares his insights and secrets to success in an inspiring and insightful conversation sprinkling in his life stories of starting companies, dreams of being a pilot, serving time in the military, and his entrepreneurship and investments.

Ritchie Hale's early life was marked by a series of moves around the globe. He was born in the UK and spent some time in France, Germany, and Switzerland. During his childhood, Ritchie's dad always said to get a good education and get a job. His dad even applied to university for him. In retrospect, it was a good thing. Ritchie attended university for technology, but always dreamt of being a pilot.

His dad helped him set up his first company at the age of 17 and he sold this business in his early 20's. He moved to Perth, Australia and still had his dream of being a pilot. So, he used the money he got from selling his business and became a commercial pilot. Ritchie also served six years in military, flying for the army, until he injured his back and went back to technology.

More recently, Ritchie has been acquiring and investing in small to medium-sized businesses and helping them rapidly grow through a range of accelerated techniques.

So tune in & get ready for some real talk with Ritchie Hale on Real Deal Talk!


INSTAGRAM | @ritchiehale


Episode 44 - Dan Beer


Episode 42 - Brian Tinney